Glimpse of Sadhana Kendra
(An Appeal For Sri Sadhana Math Establishment)
Dear Devotees,
‘‘Each Soul is potentially Divine, to manifest this Divinity within is the goal of every human being and be free.’’- Swami Vivekananda. .
In the light of the above principle, in the premises, Sadhana Kendra has been conducting, for the Moral and Spiritual upliftment of the society-Spiritual Retreats and Discourses, Evolutional Centres for children and youths,a Library of Spiritual and Religious Books and practice of Vedic Recital Etc.are being performed.
Now the Kendra is planning for the following projects:
1. Prayer Hall for Yoga, Meditation and Spiritual Discourses.
2. Library containing Religious books and Hostel for poor students.
3. Dispensary for the poor and deserving people.
4. Residential facility for Spiritual aspirants and devotees.
To execute this noble venture, the Bhoomi Pooja Celebration was held in the New Premises of Sri Sadhana Math (of about 8000 Sq.Ft) with the Divine presence of several Saints, Dignitaries and local devotees.
For implementing all the above proposals, it is estimated to cost-Rs.5 crores (Rupees Five Crores). Names of the donors of Rs.10,000/- and above will be displayed in the building at a prominent place. Sadhana Sourabha – (Quarterly Magazine). Sadhana kendra has now publishing a quarterly journal named ‘Sadhana Sourabha’ both in Kannada and English, which contains thought-provoking and spiritual articles. We hope you will take an opportunity by becoming subscriber to this journal.
We have been conducting the following Spiritual Programmes in our Sadhana Kendra Regularly. The medium of instruction will be in Kannada. All are cordially invited to participate in these programmes.
Weekly Spiritual Programme: Tuesday-Bhajans and chantings of Sahasranama Stotras -Vishnu Sahasranama/Shiva Sahasranama by Sri Sharada Mathru Mandali. 5.30 to 7.00 p.m.
Friday-Bhajans and chanting’s of Sahasranama Stotras: Lalitha Sahasranama / Soundaryalahari by Sri Sharada Mathru Mandali – 5.30 to 7.00 p.m. On Saturdays, 4.00 to 5.00 p.m.
Personality Development Classes: For girls 4.00 to 5.00 p.m. (Age 6 to 16). For boys 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. (Age 6 to 16).
Bhajans and Discourse: 5.30 to 7.00 p.m.”Adhyatma Chintana”- by Founder of Sadhana Kendra.
Sunday-Vedic Chanting: at 6.00 to7.00a.m. by Founder (Text from Saswara Vedamantra).
Personality Development Classes: Sandhya Prathana (Aratrikam ) at 5.30 to 7.00 p.m.
Bhajans & Discourse: ‘Sri Guru Vachanamrutha’ (Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna) – by Founder of Sadhana Kendra.
Other main Activities: There is Yoga class for Men & Women separately, for details kindly contact the office.
Gruha Sandarshana’ (House visits) Visiting the Holy places and School and colleges for conducting Bhajans and Spiritual Discourses.
‘Sri Ramanama Sankeerthana’ will be conducted on all Ekadashi days at 5.30 p.m.
Arranging ‘Spiritual Retreats’ once in three months.
Library Facilities available on Spiritual and Religious Books.
Medical service for the old, poor and needy have been undertaken. And Educational assistance will be given for the poor students on merit basis. (Hostel facility for Boys Age:12-16)
Please Note: All are requested to be present 10 minutes earlier to the programmes. Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and Religious books available for sale.
We invite you to participate in this noble project and donate liberally. All donations are exempt from Income-Tax. Crossed Cheques and Drafts may be drawn in favor of ‘Sri Sadhana Math or Sri Ramakrishna Vivekananda Sadhana Kendra (R) Trust’ Bangalore-560 036.
Online Payment Modes Accepted
Also Google pay, Paytm, Phone pay all these facilities are provided on this Mobile.No. 9449435675. For more details click here
Bank Details:
Bank of Baroda, K.R.Puram, Bangaluru-36.
A/C.No: 34960100023003.
IFSC Code: BARB0KRPURM (Fifth digit is Zero)
Please send the message immediately through letter or SMS as soon as you send the amount. We look forward to hearing from you.
Ever in the Service of the Lord,
– Swami Chandreshanandaji.Founder.