Sri Ramakrishna Vivekananda Sadhana Kendra® Trust
A Spiritual, Religio, Social oriented registered trust started in the year April 1995 by Sri Swami Chandreshanandaji, the founder, who has started his career in “Sri Ramakrishana Math & Mission” and served for more than 17 years. (from 1978 to1995)
He has started this trust aiming for moral and spiritual upliftment of the society on the auspicious Ugadi day in April 1995.This institution was formally inaugurated by Local great saints, erudit scholars & devotees. Under the guidelines of founder Swamiji upholding the splendid symphony of the universal soul in the divine message (Vishwa Brathrutwa- The world is a one family) of Divine Trio- Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda.
With the guide lines of Indian Culture & Elderly saints, by the association of Educational and Religious Institutions, this Sadhana Kendra has been conducting several Religio spiritual, Cultural, Educational, Medical, and Social programmes throughout Karnataka and in particular around Bangalore.

Our Inspiration
Sri Ramakrishna (1836 - 1886)
Sri Ramakrishna Born in the village of Kamarpukur, 70 miles west of Calcutta on 18th Feb 1836, and brought up in a pious, devout and simple rural atmosphere, Gadadhar came to be known as “SRI RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA” in his later life. He observed that the aim of all secular knowledge was mere material advancement and resolved to devote himself solely to the pursuit of spiritual knowledge which would ensure eternal peace.He became the priest of Kali temple at Dakshineshwar and worshiped with great zeal and enthusiasm. He married Sri Sharada Devi who is now venerated as the Holy Mother he worshiped her as Divine Mother. He taught her everything from house-keeping up to the knowledge of the Brahman. He had specially trained a band of young men to carry on his spiritual mission. These young men renounced the world after his passing away and formed the monastic order bearing his name and led by the most dynamic and brilliant of them, “Swami Vivekananda”. Sri Ramakrishna attained the Maha Samadhi on the 16th August, 1886.
“You should always discriminate between the Real and Unreal, God alone is real. The eternal substance, all else is unreal”.
- Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Sharada Devi (1853 - 1920)
Sri Sarada Devi, the divine consort of Sri Ramakrishna, was born on 22nd December 1853 at Jayarambhati in the dist. of Bankura of West Bengal and was married to Sri Ramakrishna at the age of six.Sri Ramakrishna taught her how to live in complete resignation to God. He worshiped her literally as the Divine Mother.Her simple and austre life, self-effacement and Motherly love to one and all is unique and surpasses all examples. She was unique in being a devoted wife, a perfect sanyasini, affectionate mother and an ideal teacher all in one.After the Maha Samadhi of Sri Ramakrishna it was the Holy Mother who took up on herself the responsibility of looking after his spiritual children and gradually the great Ramakrishna order grew up under her able spiritual guidance. She attained the Maha Samadhi on the July 21.1920.
"I am the Mother of the wicked as I am the Mother of the virtuous; whenever you are in distress, just say yourself 'I have a Mother' "
- Sri Sharada Devi
Swami Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)
Swami Vivekananda Born on 12th Jan 1863 in Calcutta, Narendranath, who later came to be known as Swami Vivekananda, was the eldest son of Vishwanath Datta, a leading lawyer and Bhuvaneshwari Devi, a devot and cultured women of aristrocratic family. Even as a boy he used to practise deep contempletion and meditation He was a thinker too robust to take things on strong faith and customary belief. He insisted on verification demanded proof before accepting anything as true. Consequently, in his quest of God, he was almost driven to the conclusion that God was a mad man’s idea. However destiny dragged him towards Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa of Dekshineswar, where he came face to face to with truth. He stayed with Sri Ramakrishna for five years and after the Maha samadhi of the Great Saint, took up the responsibility of guiding the disciples and devotees of the Master.He established the order of Sri Ramakrishna Math and Mission at Calcutta1886 and later wandered as a Parivrajaka throughout the length and breadth of the country.
“The secret of Religion lies not in theories but in practice to be good and to good to the whole; i.e; gist of Religion”
- Swami Vivekananda

Founder of Sadhana Math

Swami Chandreshananaji
Founder of Sadhana Math, Blr 36.
(Branch of Sri Ramakrishna Vivekananda Sadhana Kendra ® Trust)
Swami Chandreshanandaji was born in July 7, 1955 at Sirsi-North Kannada District, Karnataka. During his college days,he turned into spirtuality and social service.
Joined & Served at Ramakrishna Ashrama, Mysore.
Undergone Spiritual Studies & Training in Belur Math, Kolkota.
Served as incharge and delivered Spiritual Discourses at Sri Ramakrishna Vidya Shala and in and around local places. This is a wing of Ramakrishna Math, Mysore.
Given “Sanyasa Diksha” from President of Ramakrishna Math and Mission , Belur Math, Kolkata.W.B.
Served as incharge & gave Spiritual discourses in Ramakrishna Math,Bangalore, in and around Bangalore religious places & educational institutions.
He Started Sri Sadhana Math.(Unit of Sri Ramakrishna Viveka Sadhana Kendra® Trust.) At Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore-36. aiming for moral and spiritual upliftment of the society.
“The secret of Religion lies not in theories but in practice to be good and to good to the whole; i.e; gist of Religion”
- Swami Vivekananda